Source code for elaspic.pipeline

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import json
import six
import logging
from functools import wraps

from . import conf, helper

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
configs = conf.Configs()


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# %%
class Pipeline:

    def __init__(self, configurations):
        It should be possible to initialize one pipeline and call it in parallel using different
        mutations as input.
        # Read the configuration file and set the variables
        if isinstance(configurations, six.string_types):
        elif isinstance(configurations, dict):


        # Initialize a logger
        for line in ELASPIC_LOGO.split('\n'):

        self.PWD = os.getcwd()

        # Each one leads to the next...
        self.seqrecords = []
        self.sequences = {}
        self.models = {}
        self.predictions = {}

    def _validate_temp_path(self):
        Make sure that we are using a job specific temporary folder if we are on a cluster.

        TODO: Remove so error message does not appear in a production release.
        hostname = helper.get_hostname()
        no_job_specific_folder = configs['temp_dir'].startswith(configs['global_temp_dir'])
        on_node_with_manditory_job_specific_folder = (
            any([(x.lower() in hostname) for x in ['node', 'behemoth', 'grendel', 'beagle']])
        if no_job_specific_folder and on_node_with_manditory_job_specific_folder:
            raise Exception(
                'You should be using a temp folder that it specific to the particular job!')

# %%
_instances = {}

[docs]def execute_and_remember(f): """ Some basic memoizer. """ def f_new(*args): key = tuple([f] + list(args)) if key in _instances: return _instances[key].result else: instance = f(*args) if instance: with instance: _instances[key] = instance return _instances[key].result return f_new # %%
class Foo: def __init__(self): = ["I as so great!"] print( def __enter__(self):'I entered') print(
[docs] def run(self):'And I ran') print( raise Exception('Oh oh,,,')
def __exit__(self, *exc):'And I exited') print( print(exc) return True def __bool__(self): print( return True # %%
[docs]def lock(fn): """ Allow only a single instance of function `fn`, and save results to a lock file. """ @wraps(fn) def locked_fn(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns ------- lock_filename : str Lock file that contains function output in json format. """ # Get the lock filename if fn.__name__ == 'calculate_provean': lock_filename = '{}{}_provean.json'.format(self.pdb_id, args[0]) elif fn.__name__ == 'calculate_model': lock_filename = '{}_modeller.json'.format(self.pdb_id) elif fn.__name__ == 'calculate_mutation': lock_filename = '{}{}_mutation_{}.json'.format(self.pdb_id, args[0], args[1]) else: raise Exception("Function {} is not supported!".format(fn)) # Make sure that we can get exclusive rights on the lock try: lock = open(lock_filename, 'x') except FileExistsError: try: results = json.load(open(lock_filename, 'r')) info_message = ( "Results have already been calculated and are in file: '{}'.\n" .format(lock_filename, results) ) return lock_filename, results except ValueError: info_message = ( "Another process is currently running this function.\n" "If you believe this is an error, delete lock file '{}' and try again." .format(lock_filename) ) return lock_filename, None # Run the function and write results try: results = fn(self, *args, **kwargs) json.dump(results, lock) lock.close() return lock_filename, results except: lock.close() os.remove( raise return locked_fn